- This media story is concerned about the Hilsborough disaster which has been brought back to the media because of the reports revealing that the headlines The Sun newspaper made years ago are false.
- This story talks about how a newspaper solicitor is demanding an apology from the Hilsborough police because he believes that they are part to blame for the infamous 'Truth' headline.
- Kelvin Mackenzie who was a newspaper solicitor at the time states that he had gone through decades of pain because of being blamed for various things regarding the Hilsborough disaster. He wants the people who blamed him to apologise to him
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Google Research
Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They own 16|% of the company each.
Google now processes more than 1 billion searches a day
Google has released its own form of social media in Google+ in June 2011. They hae over 250 Million registered users already.
Googles Subsideries include Double Click, Motorola Mobility and Youtube.
Google was ranked #1 of the best company to work for this year.
Google commands an annual revenue of $38 Billion.
Quotes about Google
Whether it's Google or Apple or free software, we've got some fantastic competitors and it keeps us on our toes.
Bill Gates
The Google algorithm was a significant development. I've had thank-you emails from people whose lives have been saved by information on a medical website or who have found the love of their life on a dating website.
Tim Berners-Lee
Bill Gates
The Google algorithm was a significant development. I've had thank-you emails from people whose lives have been saved by information on a medical website or who have found the love of their life on a dating website.
Tim Berners-Lee
Some say Google is God. Others say Google is Satan. But if they think Google is too powerful, remember that with search engines unlike other companies, all it takes is a single click to go to another search engine.
Sergey Brin
Sergey Brin
Friday, 21 September 2012
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Summer Research Project
Summer Research Project
Two and a Half Men
22 September 2003- 7 March 2011 19 September 2011-Present
Two and a Half Men (taahm) is one of the most succesful Tv series on Tv today with 9 extremely succesful seasons winning multiple awards and rave reviews. The show began with the storyline of a man and his son moving to live with his older and richer bachelor brother after suffering a divorce. The series tells how the younger brother, Alan, copes with his rich brother being a careless womanizer who treats him very unfairly.
However, at the start of season nine the shows star Charlie Sheen, who at the time was the wealthies tv actor of all time was fired from the show after problems with the institution. He was later replaced by actor Ashton Kutcher who took the role of the rich man moving into te bachelor house and taking Alan and his son Jake in.
The whole show is predominantly based around negative representations of women, making them seem very unintelligent and desperate. Most of the females shown on the show are scantily clad and voyeured on. E.g
On the other hand, characters like Charlie Sheen are represented as confident, wealthy and getting all the female attention. This is shown through the way he constantly gets different girls every day (scene 4).
These representations are inaccurate to some extent as they are exaggerated at some points. This is possibly done to attract a wider male audience who watch it to voyeur.
The show is represented from mainly the male point of view of life.
Media Languages and Forms
For mise-en-scene the main setting is the house. The house connotes a lot of power and wealth as it is a massive bachelor pad for Charlie Harper. Another mise-en-scene which is important in taahm is the clothing of all the characters. For example, Charlie Harper often wears bowling shirts, shorts and trainers. This connotes that he is a very laid back, careless person who isn't too bothered about the way he looks. In contrast, Alan Harper is always seen wearing striped shirts tucked into his trousers which connotes that he is very sophisticated and takes a lot of care in the way that he looks. It also potrays his nerdy character.
Some of the camera positionings of the camera very often focuses on female body parts to give us the view of the characters. E.g- Scene 5. These camera positions is seen as degrading to the females because they arejust seen as sexual objects not people.
The narrative of the series is structured to make the audience members to go through the journey of the characters lives by watching grow older. Throughout the shows duration audiences have watched Jake go from a young 10 year who asks questions about everything to him being an unintelligent 18 year old drug taking man. This narrative structure gives audiences the opportunity to feel apart of their family as they are experiencing their lives unfold and it also allows them to identify themselves with the experiences.
For males the hero of the show would possibly be Charlie Harper because he is what many men aspire to be. He gets all the girls, is rich and hasn't got many worries in life. Where as, Alan could seen as the villain because he is represented as the boring and strict person who is very serious in many circumstances.
One constant throughout the series is the theme song (scene 1). The same song has been used throughout all 9 seasons with the video changing every season. This is done to make it easier for audiences to identify the show. Another thing which the editers has done for the theme song is at the end of the theme song they show Jake transform from the baby faced kid who started taahm to how he looks today. This quick edit reminds the audience that they have been literally watching him grow up on screen.
The genre of taahm is comedy. This is portrayed in many different ways. Firstly, one thing that has been used is the laughter of the audience after every funny thing. This feature helps identify when something funny occurs and also builds on the humour throughout the series. Another way in which viewers would know that this is a comedy is through slapstick comedy used in some scenes and also through the problems in which the characters face. (scene 2)
The generic theme of taahm is how Alan struggles in life and how Charlie succeed. This theme has been used in various humorous ways. Its mainly over money or women. Therefore, audience often expects to witness the flaws and failures of Alan to entertain themselves.
Two and a Half Men is directed by Chock Lorre who is known for his comedy tv shows such as the Big Bang Theory. This has a massive impact on his work as audience members would be attracted to view his work due to his succesful track record with comedy.
Two and a Half Men is run by Warner Bros which is a very wealthy institution therefore meaning that the show has a lot of funding to make the show as succesful as it it can. This is shown through the amount of guest appearences the show has had throughout the years. These include, Denise Richards and also most of the cast from CSI in an episode specialised to fit them in. Warner Bros also made Charlie Sheen the highest tv actor earning $1.25 million.
In 2011, it was shown that the institution has a huge say in the direction of the show after controversially firing their star of the show Charlie Sheen after disagreements with the direction of the show. They later hired Ashton Kutcher as a replacement and have seen their ratings slip since.
Media Audience
Age: 16-35
Gender: Males 16+, Female 19+Psychographics:
The uses and gratifications for viewers while watching Two and a Halfm Men is mainly for entertainment. This is because the show often comes on at primetime hours (excluding re-runs) and is therefore mainly watched to be entertained late on in the day. Another Gratification for this show could be escapism. This is is because audiences could escape into the lives of the characters and possibly also identify themselves with the situations that taahm portray within the series.
As an audience member I believe that the show covers many issues in which many poeple sufer today but obviously exaggerated to a certain extent to make it more humorous experience for viewers. However, I feel that as many other audience members do that since the firing of Charlie Sheen the show hasn't been the same.
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