Media Seminar Article Summary
In the age of media six questions about media and participation
Web 2.0 Six Questions
What's New?
- Web 2.0 was an attempt to re-brand the internet business by Tim O'Reily
- By liberating the social media the internet was able to give 'power to the people'
- To remove the power of the governors and big organisations
- It allowed ordinary people to have a voice in society through UGC
- The danger is that the internet could bring about a revolutionary social change
Who's Participating?
- Young women are leading the way in the blogs being produced
- While men tend to dominate video sharing
- young people from wealthier backgrounds do produce more than less financially stable people
- There's still a digital divide
- The most active people in Media 2.0 are the people who are already privileged
What are they doing?
- The web is dominated by producers of amateur home family videos, celebrations and holidays
- The videos are often not edited at all
- These videos aren't seen as a challenge to Big Media
Who's making the money?
- "Technology is shifting power away from the editors, the publishers, the establishment, the media élite… now it’s the people who are taking control." Rupert Murdoch
- The two richest global media companies are Google and Facebook
- Youtube to 5 years to first make a profit
- The internet is now a medium for niche marketing and individual consumers
Who's doing the work?
- Much of the marketing on the web is UGC or interactive
- Viral Marketing
- Companies usually create competitions for user generated content to promote their products
- Fan pages have become a negative and a positive
- it allows fans to create their own media
- But they have issues with copyrighting- e.g J.K Rowling and Warner Bros for Harry Potter
Will media 2.0 save democracy?
- Media 2.0 has created a period of significant change
- Some people are benefiting more from media 2.0 than others.
- These are usually the big companies
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